Premont Early College & Montessori Academies Families-
We have challenged students to join Kids Heart Challenge and complete Finn's Mission! So far, we have 18 students have taken the first step to join our school team!
We are excited to partner with the American Heart Association and build a community of lifesavers, and so far, 1 student have completed all 7 steps in Finn's Mission! Will you be next? Join us here PECA KHC Website
Will you send messages or post on social media about the lifesaving skills you are learning? Any support you can give helps us make our community a little happier, healthier, and safer!
Don't forget! Students that raise $75 will get to SLIME Mr. Duque! Students that complete Finn's Mission will get to SLIME Coach!!
Congratulations to the following students who have already earned our school’s challenge: Aaron M
Every year over 400,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests occur, meaning that a bystander would need to step in and help save a life, that’s YOU! Kids as young as NINE are strong enough to perform proper chest compressions. Performing immediate Hands-Only CPR can double or triple someone's chances of survival!
Donations due January 31, 2025. Our goal is $1,500. We are currently at $253. Thank you for your help!
Don’t have the app? You can download it here: iOS/Android