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Premont ISD

Excellence - Pride - Innovation

District of Innovation

District of Innovation

The District SBDM Committee held a public meeting on January 8, 2024, at 1:30 pm

to discuss and approve the District of Innovation Plan. 


The Premont ISD Board of Trustees approved the Renewal of the District of Innovation Plan on

Monday, January 30, 2024.

District of Innovation Plan for Premont ISD 

Uniform Start Date (TEC#25.0811)

Current Law

State law currently prohibits school districts from starting class before the fourth Monday in August.

Exemption #1

Premont ISD Board of Trustees voted to exempt PISD from TEC 25.0811, thus allowing the district to start school prior to the fourth Monday of August.

How does this benefit Premont ISD?

Staring earlier will help the District eliminate the “Summer Slide.”  Premont ISD students will benefit from the reduced break of summer recess since the District would have the option to begin the school year in mid-July.  Additionally, it ensures the school year will end prior to June.  It also allows the calendar to better align with local colleges and universities, so the graduation seniors and Early College High School students has time to prepare for their upcoming summer college courses.

Teacher Certification (TEC #21.003, #21.053, and #21.057)

Current Law

State law states that a person may not be employed as a teacher by a school district unless the person holds an appropriate certification or permit issued by the appropriate state agency.  In the event a district cannot locate a certified teacher for a position or a teacher teaching a subject outside of their certification, the district must request emergency certification from the Texas Education Agency and/or State Board of Educator Certification.

Exemption #2

Premont ISD will maintain its current expectation for employee certification and will make every attempt to hire individuals with appropriate certification for the position in question; however, where that is not possible, the District will have the flexibility to hire individuals who have the knowledge or life experiences in the area and is able to perform the duties assigned to that position.  Additionally, the district will have the flexibility to waive certification requirements and substitute either work related experiences such as Industry Certifications or 2-Year Degrees for CTE staff.

The campus principal must specify the reason for the request and list any life experiences or credentials the applicant possesses that would qualify that individual to teach the proposed subject.  Any non-certified applicant in core content areas must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree.

How does this benefit Premont ISD?

The exemption will allow flexibility to add coherent sequences using local practitioners and business people as instructors.  In addition, in emergency situations, this gives the District an opportunity to hire someone with knowledge, expertise in those specific areas, which can be beneficial to Premont students.

Inter-District Transfers (TEC #25.036)

Current Law

A district may choose to accept, as transfers, students who may not be entitled to enroll in the district.  Under TEC 25.036, a transfer is interpreted to be for a period of one school year.  Premont ISD maintains a transfer policy under FDA (LOCAL) requiring nonresident students wishing to transfer to file a transfer application each school year.  In approving transfer requests, the availability of space and instructional staff, availability of programs and services, the students’ disciplinary history, work habits, STARR and/or EOC scores and attendance records are also evaluated.  Transfer students are expected to follow the attendance requirements, rules and regulations of the District.  TEC 25.036 has been interpreted to establish the acceptance of a transfer as a one-year commitment by the District.

Exemption #3

The District will eliminate the provision of a one-year commitment in accepting transfer applications.  If a student commits a DAEP offense or has a pattern of misbehavior over time, the campus principal may recommend to the superintendent that the students’ transfer be revoked.  In addition, student attendance may fall below the TEA truancy standard.  In these rare cases, Premont ISD seeks exemption from the one-year transfer commitment.  Nonresident students who have been accepted as inter-district transfer may have such transfer status revoked by the Superintendent at any time during the year.

How does this benefit Premont ISD?

This change would help assure that the District have a productive, safe environment that is conducive to learning for District students.

Texas Education Code : 22.004 (i)

Exemption #4

Preclusion from providing alternative Uniform Group Coverage Program once the program of coverages under Chapter 1579, Insurance Code is implemented.

Related Board Policies (CRD (Legal) and CRD (Local) Manner in which statute inhibits the goals of the plan.

TE 22.004(i) states that a school district may not make group health coverage available to its employees pursuant to TEC 22. 004 (b) after the date a District implements the program of coverages provided under Chapter 1579 of the Texas Insurance Code.  The current process allows no flexibility in the design of group health insurance benefits to fit the needs of all Premont ISD employees.  This provision also prohibits the District from procuring group health insurance benefits that may provide better coverages for its employees and at a lower cost.  This provision is in direct contradiction to the wishes of the Premont ISD administration and Board of Trustees who represent community interests in this matter.

Texas Education Code 22.004 is not in any of the prohibited exemptions that can be included in a District’s local innovation plan pursuant to the Texas Education Code 12A.004 and the list of the Commissioner’s prohibited exemptions in Texas Administrative Code Title 19, Chapter 102, subchapter JJ, Section 102.1309.

How does this benefit Premont ISD?

Increased local control of the group health benefits plan to allow the District to be responsive to employee and community needs.

Planning and Preparation Time (TEC 21.404)

Current Law

Each classroom teacher is entitled to at least 450 minutes within each two-week period for instructional preparation, including parent-teacher conferences, evaluating students' work, and planning. A planning and preparation period under this section may not be less than 45 minutes within the instructional day.

Exemption #5

The District is seeking flexibility in the 45 minute daily planning period, while still adhering to the 450 minute requirement within a two-week period. In some instances, teachers teach block classes, which do not allow for a daily planning period, but rather longer planning periods three days a week. How does this benefit Premont ISD? This flexibility allows the district to continue incorporating innovative master schedules, while still giving all classroom teachers an opportunity for 450 minutes of planning and preparation within a two-week period.

Plan Renewed by Board of Trustees 01/30/2024