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Premont ISD

Excellence - Pride - Innovation


Premont ISD Student Health Advisory Committee

Next SHAC Meeting will be held on 

in the Instructional Support Center (CASE Building)

Februrary 25, 2025

5:15 pm

Overview of the Premont ISD School Health Advisory Council

The Texas Education Code requires that every independent school district in Texas establish a School Health Advisory Council (“SHAC”).  The purpose of the SHAC is to assist the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the district’s health education instruction.

  1. Statutory Duties of the SHAC
    1. The SHAC’s duties include recommending:
    A. The number of hours of instruction to be provided in:
  1. Health education in kindergarten through grade 8; and
  2. If the district requires health education for high school graduation, health education, including physical health education and mental health education, in grades 9 through 12.
  1. Policies, procedures, strategies, and curriculum appropriate for specific grade levels designed to prevent physical health concerns, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and mental health concerns, including suicide.
  2.  Appropriate grade levels and methods of instruction for human sexuality instruction;
  3. Strategies for integrating the curriculum components specified by item B, above.
  4. If feasible, joint use agreements or strategies for collaboration between Premont ISD and community organizations or agencies.  Any agreement entered into based on a recommendation of the SHAC must address liability for Premont ISD and the community organization.
  1. Strategies to increase parental awareness regarding:
  1. Risky behaviors and early warning signs of suicide risks and behavioral health concerns, including mental health disorders and substance use disorders; and
  2. Available community programs and services that address risky behaviors, suicide risks, and behavioral health concerns.
  1. Appropriate grade levels and curriculum for instruction regarding opioid addiction and abuse and methods for administering an opioid antagonist.
    Additionally, pursuant to S.B. 9 (the “Christine Blubaugh Act”), effective December 2, 2021, the SHAC duties will now include recommending appropriate grade levels and curriculum for instruction regarding child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking, including likely warning signs that a child may be at risk for sex trafficking, provided that such recommendation does not conflict with the TEKS.


  1. SHAC Policy Recommendations

The Premont ISD SHAC must consider and provide recommendations on:

  1. Recess
  2. Suicide Prevention
  3. Content of Human Sexuality Instruction
  4. Adoption of Curriculum Materials (human sexuality instruction, prevention of child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking.
  1. Composition of the Committee
    The superintendent will make ten recommendations to the board for their consideration and possible action.  A majority of members must be persons who are parents of students enrolled in Premont ISD schools and who are not employed by Premont ISD.  One of those members shall serve as chair or co-chair of the SHAC.


  1. Committee Meetings
    According to statute, the SHAC is required to meet at least four times each year.  Pursuant to HB 1525, beginning the 2021-2022 school year, SHAC meetings must follow procedures substantially similar to those required by the Texas Open Meetings Act.  Specifically, Section 28.004(d-1) and (d-2).


  1. Creation of Bylaws
    Premont ISD bylaws shall address membership, resignation, eligibility, officers, voting rights, committees, communications, attendance, virtual attendance, and quorum requirements.

SHAC Bylaws