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School Board Election 2024

Board of Trustees Information

The Premont ISD Board of Trustees consists of seven members elected to serve, without compensation, for four year terms and represent the entire school district.  Elections are held in November of even numbered years.  All Premont ISD residents who meet eligibility requirements as specified in Texas Election Code 141.001, Board Policy BBA (Legal), BBBA (Legal), and BBB (Local) and Texas Education Code 11.061 and 11.002 may run for a position.  Four trustees positions will be up for election on November 5, 2024.  Eligible residents, residing within district boundaries in Jim Wells County Precincts 4 and 11 and Duval County Precinct 3, considering running for school board can access a free online training course through the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) which explains the roles and responsibilities of the position. The Texas Election Code designates the Secretary of State as the chief election officer of the State of Texas.  In order to provide information on the electoral process to all Texans, the office has prepared a guide with information regarding the election process.

Application Process

Application forms can be picked up at the Premont ISD Administration office, 439 S. W. 4th Street, Premont, Texas, during regular business hours.  They can also be accessed with the links provided below. Completed applications and Campaign Treasurer Appointment forms must be filed in a timely manner at the Premont ISD Administration office.  All applications filed and information contained within those applications will become public records and open to inspection upon request.

Notice of Election Draw

Notice of Drawing for Place on Ballot - Election 2024

Notice of Deadine to File an Application for Place on the Ballot 2024 Election

Notice of Deadline to File an Application for Place on Ballot 2024 Election

Election Order 2024

Election Order 2024 V2Election Order 24 Spanish